“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner”
- Lao Tzu

"ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers... Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you - is actually what's right with you.."


Only in nakedness, Zhang says, can the body's "relationship with the spirit be identified through its direct contact with the object." In other words, we need to feel the air against our skin.
Zhang Huan

Tai chi is about changing our internal environment so that life becomes a joy to live and not a burden to drag into old age and death. It is about helping your body to let go of the past and your mind to slow down and cease churning. Tai chi encourages your internal focus to shift toward cherishing and remembering all that is wonderful in your life. It predisposes you to look forward to ways to make life better, rather than remembering how unsatisfying it has been.

Most importantly, tai chi gives us the ability to realise a greater human potential in ourselves and to have genuine compassion for others. Tai chi, with its gentle strength, moves us closer to feeling more truly alive.(Bruce Frantzis)







"The concept of nakedness is a subjective one. To a simple mind, to an innocent mind, nudity is not offensive; it has its own beauty. But up to now, man has been fed on poison, and gradually, with the passage of time, this poison has spread from one pole of his existence to the other. Consequently, our attitude to nakedness is completely unnatural."

...If you want to exercise your body in a way that will not hurt it,
...If you want to improve your coordination and balance,
...If you want to learn to move more freely,
...If you want inner peace,
... If you want to improve your health.

Man has created his own artificial world around him. And if somebody is nude suddenly he hits our civilization totally, he cuts the very roots. That's why there is so much antagonism against naked people, all over the world.

If you go and move naked in the street, you are not hurting anybody, you are not doing any violence to anybody; you are absolutely innocent. But immediately the police will come, the whole surroundings will become agitated. You will be caught […] and put into jail. But you have not done anything at all! A crime happens when you do something. You have not been doing anything, simply walking naked! But why does the society get so angry? The society is not so angry even against a murderer. This is strange. But a naked man, and society is absolutely angry.

True Tai Chi serves your whole being in a way which few people know or recognise in our modern world.
My aim is to make the depth of knowledge passed down through the art of Tai Chi available to you and all who are committed to developing in a healthy, natural way.
By practicing and ultimately embodying the principles in Tai Chi, you start to manage your own well-being.
In truth, this is the beginning of an inner journey; a very practical, measurable way to reclaim your own power of spirit: your essential creative ability.

A General Intro To Tai Chi

The slow movements of Tai Chi are graceful, powerful, relaxed, balanced, and meditative. Developed in China over a thousand years ago, this form of exercise unites the mind and the body, combining aspects of meditation, exercise, visualization, and martial art. Once learned, a Tai Chi form may take ten minutes to perform. Done once or twice daily, it provides extraordinary health benefits, improving balance, flexibility, and strength, while calming the spirit and reducing stress.

About The Tai Chi Form

The art of Tai Chi (actually called T'ai Chi Ch'uan, "Yin Yang Boxing") consists of perfecting several skills. The most fundamental of these is the Tai Chi form, a classical series of movements which the student memorizes, much like a music student might memorize a classical piece of music. Once the movements are memorized, the real work of refining the movement can begin. The study focuses on the subtleties of relaxation, breathing, and body alignment. Movement is caused by internal pressure changes rather than muscular tension.

The mind must be flexible, so the body will be supple.
With long term study, good Tai Chi takes into account not only the laws of physics, but the mysteries of the heart and mind. Fear and anxiety cause tension, which is felt in the body. If we can undo the tension, we can begin to undo the fear and anxiety. At an advanced stage, the fear associated with ego can be abandoned.

“Even the most powerful human being has a limited sphere of strength.
Draw him outside of that sphere and into your own, and his strength will dissipate.”
- Morihei Ueshiba “The Art of Peace”

About Tai Chi Tui Shou, or "Push Hands" exercises

The Push Hands exercises also help us deal with fear in the use of Tai Chi as a martial art. After achieving a state of deep relaxation in the Tai Chi form, students may try to bring that calm feeling into the practice of push-hands, the two person Tai Chi exercise for the development of martial sensitivity. Initially, this two person exercise can be extremely gentle, allowing the practitioners to operate in the most relaxed and efficient manner. Sometimes using the classical movements, sometimes in a freestyle manner, partners take turns searching out points of tension on each other. When a point is found, the student must learn how to relax the tense area in order to avoid losing balance. Over time, by learning correct and effective ways of relaxing and moving, one is able to absorb sudden and forceful pushes from one's partner with a minimum of tension and fear. The relaxed body aligns itself automatically to retain balance.

The concept of nakedness is a subjective one. To a simple mind, to an innocent mind, nudity is not offensive; it has its own beauty. But up to now, man has been fed on poison, and gradually, with the passage of time, this poison has spread from one pole of his existence to the other. Consequently, our attitude to nakedness is completely unnatural.

Talks On The Practice Of Taijiquan

Narrated by Yang Cheng Fu
Recorded by Zhang Hong Kui
From the book "Yang Style Taijiquan" by Yang Zhen Duo
There are many schools of Chinese wush (martial arts), all with technical skills based on philosophy. Since ancient times, many people have devoted their lifetime and energhy to probing the nature and essence of wush and mastering the maximum skills, but few have succeeded. However, a learner can improve his skill if he keeps on practising and someday he will become an expert. As the saying goes: Drops falling, if they fall constantly, will bore through a stone.

The history of the gymnasium dates back to ancient Greece, where the literal meaning of the word gymnasion was “school for naked exercise.”

Taijiquan is a part of the rich cultural heritage of China. It is an art in whose slow and gentle movements are embodied vigour and force. As a Chinese saying aptly puts it, "Inside the cotton is hidden a needle". Its technical, physiological and mechanical qualities all have a philosophical basis. For learners, the guidance of a good teacher and discussions of the skills and techniques with friends are necessary, but the most important thing is persistent and untiring practice. Indeed, there is nothing like practice, and learners of taijiquan, men and women, young and old, will get the best possible results if they keep at it all the year round.

In recent years, the number of people studying taijiquan in various parts of China has been increasing. This is an indication of the bright prospects of wushu. Many learners are conscientious and persistant in training, which will enable them to attain a high level of achievement. It should be pointed out that two wrong tendencies should be guarded against. The first is that some some people who are young and talented acquired a quicker understanding than most other people and so become complacent and stop half way. These people can never achieve great success. The second wrong tendency is that some learners are too anxious to achieve quick success and get instant benefits. They want to learn everything in a short time, from shadow boxing to wielding the sword, broadsword, spear and other weapons. They know a smattering of each, but do not grasp the essence and their movements and postures are full of flaws to the expert eye. It is difficult to correct their movements, for a thorough "overhaul" is needed and , as often as not, they might change in the morning and return to the old habits in the evening. Hence the saying in Chinese boxing circles: "Learning taijiquan is easy but to correct a wrong style is difficult". In other words, more haste less speed. And if these people pass on their mistakes to others, they will be doing a great harm.

In learning taijiquan, one should first of all start from the quan jia or frame of boxing; he should practise according to the routines and follow the master's every movement carefully, and keep each action in mind. Meanwhile, he should pay attention to the nei, wai, shang and xia. Nei means using the mind rather than force. Wai means the relaxation of the limbs, shoulders and elbows, making the movements from the foot to the leg to the waist gentle and continuous. Shang means straightening the head, and xia means sinking the breath to the lower belly.

For a beginner, the most important thing is to remember these points, grasp their essence and practise each basic movement correctly over and over again, never seeking quick success and instant benefit. It is advisiable to make slow and steady progress , for this will pay in the long run. In practising taijiquan, it is necessary to keep all the joints in the body relaxed, so that the movements will be natural and unrestrained. Do not hold your breath (that may lead to puff and blow), and do not use stiff strength in moving the arms, legs and waist and body, but try to make your movements gentle and continuous. These two points are well-known among the wushu experts, but many trainees have difficulty putting them into practice.

You also use clothes for society: they are to hide your body, or they are to cover you in the eyes of others, because society doesn't approve of your whole body. So whatsoever society doesn't approve of, you have to hide. Only particular parts of the body are allowed to be in the open. The society chooses you in parts. Your totality is not approved of, not accepted.Osho

The learners should bear in mind the following points:

1. Keep your head erect and do not incline it forward or backward. As the saying goes, "Its like there is something on your head, and you should take care not to let it fall". But you should not hold your head in a stiff manner, and though your eyes look straight ahead, they should follow the movements of the limbs and body. Although your eyes look into vacancy, they are an important component of the movements of the body as whole. Your mouth sghould remain half open and half closed, with the nose breathing in and mouth breathing out naturally. If saliva is produced in the mouth swallow it.


2. Hold the torso straight and the backoune and free end of the sacrum vertical. When moving, always keep the chest slightly inward and the back upright. The beginners should keep these key points in mind, otherwise their movements will become mere formality or dull-looking, and they will not be able to make much progress in spite of long years of practice. 3. Relax the joints of both arms, letting the shoulders droop and the elbows curve naturally; the palms should be slightly extended and the fingers slightly bent. Move the arms by conciousness and send qi (breath or vital energy) to the fingers. Remember these key points and success will be yours.

4. Take not of the difference in stance between the two legs which move as gently as those of a cat. When one foot is planted firmly on the ground,the other is in an empty stance. When you shift the weight on to the left leg, then the left foot is firmly on the ground, while the right foot is in an empty stance, and vice versa. though the foot is in an empty stance it is always ready to move. When the foot is firmly on the ground, it does not not mean that you should exert too much force on that leg, for if you do so, your body will incline forward and you will lose your balance.

5. The action of the feet is divided into kicking upward and kicking downward. When you kick upward, pay attention to your toes, and when you kick downward, pay attention to the sole; conciousness of the action will be followed by vital energy, and vital energy will be followed by strength. When you do all this, you should relax the joints and avoid stiffness

Maybe women are offended if someone looks at their breasts and genitals (I dont know why, if a guy looks it means there is something to look at. that is flattering isn't it? i daresay someone will argue that it is sexist to say so. I wish the world will never use the words sexist, ageist, racist, ever) not that there is much to see in their genital area. But I dont get this message from the guys. Guys seem to be more at ease with people looking at their genitals. Maybe because guys dont interpret it as a threatening gesture.

The Ten Essentials of Taijiquan

Narrated by Yang Cheng Fu
Recorded by Chen Wei Ming
From the book "Yang Style Taijiquan" by Yang Zhen Duo
1. Straightening The Head

Stand straight and hold the head and neck naturally erect, with the mind concentrated on the top. Do not strain or be tense; otherwise, the blood and vital energy cannot circulate smoothly.

2. Correct Position Of Chest And Back

Keep the chest slightly inward, which will enable you to sink your breath to the dan tian (lower belly). Do not protrude your chest, otherwise you will feel uneasy in breathing and somewhat "top heavy".

Great force can be launched onlly when you keep the vital energy in your lower belly.

"I know that the word choice is a favorite New Age term, but it isn't entirely accurate in this context. It is misleading to say that somebody "chose" a dysfunctional relationship or any other negative situation in his or her life. Choice implies consciousness -- a high degree of consciousness. Choice begins the moment you disidentify from the mind and its conditioned patterns, the moment you become present. Until you reach that point...you are compelled to think, feel, and act in certain ways according to the conditioning [i.e. domestication, programming] of your mind." ...if mental development and increased knowledge are not counterbalanced by a corresponding growth in consciousness, the potential for unhappiness and disaster is very great." -- The Power of Now

3. Relaxation Of Waist

For the human body, the waist is the dominant part. When you relax the waist, your two feet will be strong enough to form a firm base. All the movements depend on the action of the waist, as the saying goes: "Vital force comes from the waist". Inaccurate movements in taijiquan stem from erroneous actions of the waist.

4. Solid And Empty Stance

It is of primary importance in taijiquan to distinguish between "Xu" (Empty) and "Shi" (Solid). If you shift the weight of the body on to the right leg, then the right leg is solidly planted on the ground and the left leg is in an empty stance. When your weight is on the left leg, then the left leg is firmly planted on the ground and the right leg is in an empty stance. Only in this way can you turn and move your body adroitly and without effort, otherwise you will be slow and clumsy in your movements and not able to remain stable and firm on your feet.

Tai chi in Pregnancy

5. Sinking Of Shoulders And Elbows

Keep your shoulder in a natural, relaxed position. If you lift your shoulders, the qi will rise with them and the whole body will be without strength. You should also keep the elbows down, otherwise you will not be able to keep your shoulders relaxed and move your body with ease.

"Witch lives and laughs in every woman. She is the free part of each of us, beneath the shy smiles, the acquiescence to absurd male domination, the make-up or flesh-suffocating clothes our sick society demands. There is no "joining" Witch. If you are a woman and dare to look within yourself, you are a Witch. You make your own rules."


6. Using The Mind Instead Of Force

Among the people who practise taijiquan, it is quite common to hear this comment: "That is entirely using the mind, not force". In practising taijiquan, the whole body is relaxed, and there is not an iota of stiff or clumsy strength in the veins or joints to hinder the movement of the body. People may ask: How can one increase his strength without exercising force? According to taditional Chinese medicine, there is in the human body a system of pathways called jingluo (or meridian) which link the viscera with different parts of the body, making the human body an integrated whole. If the jingluo is not impeded, then the vital energy will circulate in the body unobstructed. But if the jingluo is filled with stiff strength, the vital energy will not be able to circulate and consequently the body cannot move with ease. One should therefore use the mind instead of force, so that vital energy will follow in the wake of the mind or conciousness and circulate all over the body. Through persistant practice one will be able to have genuine internal force. This is what taijiquan experts call "Lithe in appearance, but powerful in essence".

Be conscientious in Peng, Lu, Chi, and An.
Upper and lower coordinate,
and the opponent finds it difficult to penetrate.
Let the opponent attack with great force;
use four ounces to deflect a thousand pounds.
Attract to emptiness and discharge;
Chan, Lien, T'ieh, Sui,
attach without losing the attachment

A master of Taijiquan has arms which are as strong as steel rods wrapped in cotton with immense power concealed therein. Boxers of the "Outer School" (a branch of wush with emphasis on attack, as opposed to the "Inner School" which places the emphasis on defence) look powerful when they exert force but when they cease to do so, the power no longer exists. So it is merely a kind of superficial force.

7. Coordination Of Upper And Lower Parts

According to the theory of taijiquan, the root is in the feet, the force is launched through the legs, controlled by the waist and expressed by the fingers; the feet, the legs and the waist form a harmonious whole. When the hands, the waist and the legs move, the eyes should follow their movements. This is meant by coordingation of the upper and lower parts. If any part should cease to move, then the movements will be disconnected and fall into disarray.

8. Harmony Between The Internal And External Parts

In practising taijiquan, the focus is on the mind and conciousness. Hence the saying: "The mind is the commander, the body is subservient to it". With the tranquility of the mind, the movements will be gentle and graceful. As far as the "frame" is concerned, there are only the Xu (empty), shi (solid), kai (open) and he (close). Kai not only means opening the four lims but the mind as well, he means closing the mind along with the four limbs. Perfection is achieved when one unifies the two and harmonizes the internal and external parts into a complete whole.

"The whole secret is consciousness. Become more conscious of your anger, of your lust, of your greed, of your jealousy, of your possessiveness, of your violence and cruelty your fears. Become aware of all that you are. Don't avoid anything, don't hide anything from yourself. Be utterly naked before yourself,before others,because in that very nakedness the first glimpse of transformation happens.If one goes on avoiding something inside then the transformation is not possible. It is just like heating water, at one hundred degrees it evaporates, not before that. So unless you are totally naked before yourself transformation is not possible. That total nakedness creates a one-hundred-degree temperature and a quantum leap and a jump from the lowest to the highest, a sudden transformation from passion to compassion."

9. Importance Of Continuity

In the case of the "Outer School" (which emphasizes attack) of boxing, the strength one exerts is still and the movements are not continuous, but are sometimes made off and on, which leaves opening the opponent may take advantage of. In taijiquan, one focuses the attention on the mind instead of force, and the movements from the begenning to the end are continuous and in an endless circle, just "like a river which flows on and on without end" or "like reeling the silk thread off cocoons".

10. Tranquility In Movement

In the case of the "Outer School" of boxing, the emphasis is on leaping, bouncing, punching and the exertion of force, and so one often gasps for breath after practising. But in taijiquan, the movement is blended with tranquility, and while performing the movements, one maintains tranquility of mind. In practising the "frame", the slower the movement the better the results. this is because when the movements are slow, one can take deep breath and sink it to the dan tian. It has a soothing effect on the body and the mind.

Learners of taijiquan will get a better understanding of all this through careful study and persistant practice.


For all we know
This may only be a dream
We come and go
Like a ripple on a stream
So love me tonight
Tomorrow was made for somebody else
Tomorrow may never come
For all we know.

Naked Tai chi is a trend that can be found in most major cities around the world. In Auckland, it is a members-only group of adults interested in practicing the art of Tai Chi without the restriction of clothing. Although predominantly private, Naked Tai Chiis open to all (over 21), body types and sexual orientations. The class schedule and style are determined by the instructor, but those new to Tai chi are encouraged to attend. The teachings are rooted in Form,breathing and posture, focusing on Tai chi as an ancient tradition handed down over thousands of years. Naked Tai chi is not designed to be sexual in nature, but rather focuses on building core strength and stability, while celebrating the human body.

"Straight away, remove yourself from the field of spiritual progression , stay away from contemplation and skillful discourse, do not do research or meditate on the divinities, and stop concentrating and reciting textbooks! Tell me, what is the absolute nature of reality which allows no room for doubt? Listen carefully! Stop holding on to this or that, inhabit your true absolute nature, and peacefully enjoy the essence of what it is to be alive!" ~Abhinavagupta

Have you ever said, "I can't do that! I'm just not like that!"? If you've ever used this phrase, you've hit the boundary of how you've defined yourself in the past, and it's affecting the quality of your present-day life. Ask yourself, "Where did these beliefs about who I am come from, and how old are they?" Maybe it's time to update your identity. - Tony Robbins


Classes in Pt Chev Auckland

tuesday 8-9 pm

ph 09 8289800 for Details and Hall Venue address

Or Email us Naked tai chi

Song of 13 postures The Song of Push Hands (Da Shou Ge) Wu Treatise
Ten Essentials of Tai Chi Chuan Using Circles in Taijiquan Wang Treatise
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